Who is asiimov?

I’m a 21-year-old Security Consultant working at a Fortune 500 consultancy whilst pursuing my undergraduate degree at Northeastern University. I found my passion in cybersecurity through government programs and winning events such as Cyber Discovery Elite and Cyber Centurion. At 18 I begun my career, working in DevSecOps and transitioned to Security Consulting in January 2024. I started this blog to improve my writing and to meet new people :)

The Opportunity Cost of Nothing

You are applying for an opportunity. Would you still apply if there were any of these numbers of applicants: 1,000 applicants 10,000 applicants 100,000 applicants Some would say yes but often it’s no. I was speaking to my friends who went through the traditional route of school, university and are now looking for a job. I’ve applied and attended conferences, events, and so forth. But when I asked “how many did you apply for” they all collectively applied for zero and attended zero, the opportunity cost of nothing....

November 11, 2024


Hi I’m asiimov, 21 and living in the United Kingdom. My parents migrated from Pakistan and Hong Kong to England where I was shortly born. I have always been curious on how everything works but computers are what fascinated me. Many years later I picked up computer science at GCSE (UK’s equivalent GED) and I loved it, my teacher was amazing and always went the extra mile. My friend spotted a poster for a ‘hacking competition’ and that’s where I started....

June 11, 2024